Electrochemical Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage from a South American Mine. Electrochemical treatment of acid mine drainage is a viable alternative to outdated and inefficient chemical treatments.

Press Release: Boliden AB signs deal to evaluate ElectroClear technology for addressing acid mine drainage
Clean&Recover has signed a deal in December 2023 with Boliden AB, the Nordic mining company. Under the deal, Clean&Recover will build and deliver a plant to Sweden for extensive testing of many different types of acid mine drainage from Boliden’s closed and open mines.
Boliden have committed to work with Clean&Recover to test the economic feasibility of using the technology to raise the pH of water without adding lime or other alkaline agents to be used as an input in mineral processing. The tests will demonstrate the economic feasibility of the technology to deal with legacy acid mine drainage at closed and open mines.
Clean&Recover expects to travel to Sweden in April 2024 to deliver the plant and train Boliden workers on its operation.
The technology presents the opportunity to vastly reduce the cost of remediation of acid mine drainage. It will also, allow the verification of the capture of some of the metals, sulphates, and gases produced by the process to offset the cost of the process.
“Initial lab tests at Clean&Recover’s plant in Queensland with highly contaminated acidic water from our mine Maurliden were indeed very encouraging with low operational cost per cubic meter and high purification efficiency. However, from our perspective ElectroClear’s zero CO2 emissions is also an important driver, since traditional treatment of acidic mine water includes liming, which releases huge amounts of CO2. We are indeed happy to evaluate this technology further in collaboration with Clean&Recover, “ says Erik Ronne, Research Manager Sustainability at Boliden.
Contact: Luke Berry, CEO, Clean&Recover, info@cleanandrecover.com.au.
Clean&Recover helps mining companies transform waste streams into productive assets. Our mission is to offer simple, dependable solutions that harvest value from mining wastes. ElectroClear technology is an electrochemical reactor solution which recycles acid mining drainage (AMD) by recovering metals and producing sulfuric acid. By using our technology, mining companies can reduce their footprint by recycling AMD and transforming it into clean and safe water.
Boliden’s vision is to be the most climate-friendly and respected metal provider in the world. We are Europe’s producer of sustainable metals and, guided by our values care, courage, and responsibility, we operate within exploration, mines, smelters, and recycling. We are more than 6,000 employees and have annual revenues of approximately SEK 85 billion. The share is listed in the Large Cap segment of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Note: Acid mine drainage is acidic water with metals produced when soil disturbed during mining absorbs sulphate from the soil in the form of sulphuric acid. It is a major problem worldwide, due to its toxicity, high annual volumes, and the fact that once acid mine drainage forms, it can continue to drain from a mine site for thousands of years after closure of the mine.